
Reducing Potential Health Concerns After Age 50

  • 2 min

As we age, there is often a strong resistance to accepting the natural process of getting older. The resistance can manifest itself in various ways, such as denying the presence of gray hairs, wrinkles, age spots, and thinning hair.

However, as we strive to live longer and healthier lives beyond the age of 50, it is important to acknowledge and address potential age-related diseases that could jeopardize our well-being.

These diseases can quickly disrupt our seemingly healthy habits and put our golden years at risk. According to the National Council on Aging, 94.9% of adults age 60 and older have at least one condition while 78.7% have two or more. And obesity, which impacts at 42% of adults 60 and older can increase your own risk for conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

You can start making healthier choices by eating more nutritionally, exercising more, and getting regular medical check-ups living a pain-free life well into your sixties, seventies, and beyond. Here are several ways to counteract these prominent age-related diseases and prevent hospitalizations as they progress. By making these changes, you can avoid common age-related health issues and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Long-winded standing for eight hours or more can cause wear and tear on your joints from osteoarthritis, a form of arthritis. Getting out of bed can be difficult because of the swollen joints caused by the damaged joints.

Low fat yogurt, low fat milk, sardines, 100% orange juice, and doctor recommended calcium supplements are some of the food sources that will ease joint pain. Moderate exercises help bones stay strong. Also, eating pineapples and cherries.


A person with occasional memory problems does not mean they have dementia or Alzheimer's. When a person is constantly forgetting places, names, and relatives, it can affect their brain cells and make them unable to function on their own.

Doing crossword puzzles keeps your brain stimulated and your memory sharp. Eggs, blueberries, green and yellow peppers, spinach, carrots, and green vegetables are all loaded with vitamins A and C. Don't smoke altogether.

Heart Disease

We are more at risk for heart disease after 50 because we are more likely to have blocked arteries and lead to abnormal heartbeats, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure are all linked to heart disease.

Increase exercise routines by cutting down on processed foods and heavy saturated fats. Whole grains, fiber rich foods, beans, nuts, fresh vegetables, and omega 3 fish are what you should be eating. High cholesterol can be controlled by eating ground turkey or chicken.


Osteoporosis is known as a bone silent disease that affects mostly women especially those over 50. Once osteoporosis progresses slowly, bones will become brittle and extremely fragile, leading to some loss of height and fractures.

Menopause is also linked to osteoporosis due to shrinkage of estrogen, which causes bone deterioration. Consume more foods such as cheese, low fat yogurt, sardines, tuna, apples, and salmon because they are rich in calcium, vitamin D, boron, and potassium. Stop smoking, decrease alcohol consumption, and engage in moderate exercise to maintain bone resilience.


Cataracts are serious eye growths that are usually connected to aging and diabetes, which interfere with our ability to see objects through cloudy lenses. If cataracts go untreated for much longer, it could cause blindness.

Wear good-tinted sunglasses to protect your eyes from dangerous UV rays. To prevent cataracts, eat Brussels sprouts, eggs, spinach, and antioxidant foods like tomatoes, watermelons, and citrus fruits.

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