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Everyone likes to read News. However, it's tedious & counter productive to browse, scan and read News on multiple platforms and different websites everyday.

Using our AI engine, 'The Bulletin Box' curates News every hour from 100+ renowned sources worldwide, segregate them among different topics, and makes it easier to access on one single platform.
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'The Bulletin Box' provides an opportunity to generate significant amount of income by leveraging linked referrals. Once you buy any subscription, you become a part of affiliate program. As an affiliate, you can have 6 streams of income.

We payback 80% of total subscribed amount to our affiliates and keep the rest for platform development and maintenance.
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'The Bulletin Box' is not just a News platform. It's also a platform for passionate writers who wants to write & share their unique ideas, experience, stories, opinion & perspective.

We appreciate the efforts & support, and payback our writers based on number of views & likes on their published content.
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