What do you mean by STEM? Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. Why is it that everyone is talking about the STEM gap? Is it an outcome of feminism?
The answer is NO!
Male in STEM predominantly dominates the industry. It is imperative to have more representation of women so we open doors to diverse ideas, opinions & solutions. We do not even know on what we are missing since ages by not having a woman on the same table as men in the boardroom.
Throughout history, women have made extensive contributions in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). However, women remain underrepresented in fields of STEM.
Numerous Global Communities & organizations are now working towards empowering girls and women to enter STEM fields of study and careers. Uplifting and inspiring them to break the barriers and come forward to learn and perform.
However, the million-dollar question is how do we bring a wave of change in the mind set so we can plant this thought at the seed stage to fuel the next generation of female leaders.
Think about it, I still keep hearing questions to Kids like this, who is your hero? The question itself is so biased! How can we expect the answer to be diverse and gender agnostic?
Let us leaf through the history; we have so many Black Women Scientists (No offense here, I am a brown Asian girl too), Female Mathematicians, Female Physicists and former NASA astronauts like Mae. C. Jemison. It is imperative to expose Young Girls to STEM. However, how much do we talk about them to the budding girls?
The text books, the advertisements they still propagate kitchen as synonymous to women. The change has to begin from the four walls of every home.
Survey results shows, women leave STEM careers at disproportionately higher rates than men do. Are we giving women equal opportunities to pursue careers of their choice? Do we have female role models? As a family, how much are we supporting and encouraging women to get back to industry after they have a baby?
Why are women in leadership positions not appreciated, supported, or encouraged? Why do they have to constantly race in a man’s world.
STEM gender is more critical than ever; Forbes collaborated with Audi of America in March 2019 to host the second annual “Idea Incubator,” a program dedicated to inspiring future STEM leaders by bringing together emerging talent to solve real-world challenges through a STEM lens.
As a country, as a company, as a society, as a family, we stand to gain a lot by exposing young girls to STEM fields and encouraging those who are interested to follow their hearts and minds.
The sooner we realize, the better it is for us as a humanity.
Every morning when I wake up, I keep reminding myself what is that i can do to leave an inspired legacy for a better future for women. A question still not fully answered!
Oct. 1, 2020, 5:34 a.m.