
Stay Relevant Through the Content You Create!

  • 2 min read

One of my connections, during a brief virtual meet-up, was sharing about a sudden shift in the way her otherwise closed business leadership had been responding during this deepening crisis brought about by the pandemic. As most organizations were forced to adopt work-from-home (WFH), so was hers.

In over a decade long association with her company, never was a written HR policy shared with them. Only recently, the first ever detailed HR policy was shared over a regional webinar meet-up and feedbacks/inputs were solicited. This written document encompassed a wide spectrum of aspects leave policy (including details of maternity/paternity leaves, childcare policy); WFH policy; performance review & appraisal policy; disciplinary actions relating to violation of code of conduct including sexual misconduct, among others. Throughout the conversation she was praising her business leaders for taking this step to share such a detailed policy work, especially during these uncertain times to provide clarity on various aspects of everyday working.

Businesses today, big and small alike, are struggling to adapt to changing dynamics, while COVID-19 continues to disrupt business normalcy. Promoting their relevance to stakeholders through varied means, most businesses are actively leveraging the power of content to reach-out, connect, add value and stay relevant. Recent events are proving the importance of easy and quick access to information by all stakeholders.

In normal times, uncertainties were managed by relying on the existing, tried and tested structures, policies and procedures. Unprecedented times call for unusual, creative, and more thought through means and approaches. With focus on making the right content available to the right people at the right time, businesses now are experimenting with content like never before. It is important to ask why not? Isn’t it wise to beat and shape up the iron when it is hot?

Resilience is the spirit to cope up with any untoward situation or time. Resilience is of paramount importance to survive and thrive. Despite changing circumstances, it enables individuals as well as businesses to stay relevant. When hit by any crisis or economic slowdown, resilient organizations pull through uncertainty instead of being crushed by it. Today’s turbulent times require all departments in an organization to work seamlessly and closely together working in silos is proving counterproductive.

Content plays a vital role in enhancing the resilience of your business, enabling you to connect and communicate with your external as well as internal stakeholders. Need of the hour is how fast can businesses produce, update and distribute their content (when and where as needed)?

Then why do businesses overlook any complacency in their content production and content delivery capabilities?

Pro tip: Time to take your content seriously and ramp up content capabilities.

Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

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Author / Speaker  →

Communications & Content |Co-founder, Heal With Homoeo --- "The struggle of words...a matter of heart...a matter of conscience...I believe in waging it!"---
Communications & content: In love with meaningful, value creating content that inspires conviction, clarity and change. F0cused on, generating content ideas, creating engaging content and re-purposin…
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