
How’s Your Diwali 2020 Vibe?

  • 2 min read

The lights all around and vivacity in the air (never mind the toxic haze in North India) are beckoning celebrations. There is an unbridled enthusiasm all around, be it children making the most of these festive holidays by playing cricket in masks or prancing around with their friends while maintaining their distance, or adults scurrying around to buy gifts or decorate their houses with lights. Women are busy selecting their dresses, shopping (who doesn’t love that, everyday is a good day to shop), or browsing recipes of mithai (Indian sweets) to make them home this time. As for me, I am more than content with a short respite from work (that much needed break!), indulging in sweets and yeah browsing through recipes too. Like many other families, we are opting for homemade sweets this time so as to prevent visiting the super crowded sweet shops.

The Diwali of 2020 will be quite different. For one, there is not much bustling and getting stuck in traffic jams for those who are not venturing out. I remember being stuck in 3-4 hour jams while returning from work during the festive season last year. In a way, this pandemic is nature’s way of teaching us lessons in an inorganic style since we humans have been stubborn since many centuries. Nevertheless, don’t let the pandemic dampen your festive spirit. Connect with your family and friends through the world of web this time. Say hi to people you haven’t been in touch with and ask them ‘are you happy?’. This small question means a lot, especially for those who are stressed or anxious.

Decorate your house - be a bit more creative this time, cook sweets and delicacies, and of course spend quality time with your family. Play games, or sing and dance together. Most importantly, shop to your heart’s content! Buy from vendors in your locality and support small businesses as many of them have been hit hard by the pandemic. Also, support and spread the word about these businesses through social media. I am consciously purchasing from my friends’ startups or other local brands I discovered on Instagram. Enough of buying from big, established brands. I think there is enough space for everyone to thrive, let’s give emerging brands also a chance to shine.

No festival is complete without food! Keep your diet aside and eat without guilt because Deepawali isn’t an everyday affair, but avoid overeating. You wouldn’t want to deal with acidity or multiple trips to the toilet in your festive attire. Indulge now and get back to your fitness regime after the festival. If you are buying sweets from outside, avoid visiting overcrowded shops and maintain physical distance. Mask is your best buddy, don’t underestimate its power.

“Caution” is the word of 2020! Celebrate and spread joy, love and light. The Bulletin Box team wishes you a happy and safe Diwali! Blessings for good health, abundance and contentment.

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Content Specialist | Creative Enthusiast | Wonderer | Views are personal
A wonderer at heart, I am nurturing my passion for writing (discovering new ones too) and working as Manager, Quality Support at Gartner.
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