
Internet of Things – Is it a smarter tomorrow?

  • 2 min read

Anything you ever thought is now possible digitally! The giant network of connected devices interact with each other all the time through the internet. Does it scare you? Does it excite you? If you are scared, you are still not ready for a smarter tomorrow.

As I write this article, my Alexa just reminded me to have green tea at 4PM. Also, got a notification from the Alexa app on my smartphone. It’s just one of the many tasks that Alexa does for me like switching on/off the light as per my daily schedule of waking up or sleeping. Reads out the morning news and informs me the weather forecast. And of course, answers any question that I would like to know from the internet. My smart band reminds me to stand up if I have been sitting for too long and calculates calories when I work out along with a zillion trackings. My washing machine notifies when the laundry cycle is completed. These minute data notifications obviously helps us in our day-to-day lives. Who would not want to have control and monitor his/home from the smartphone? Wouldn't you be happy if your wireless security systems are disaster-ready and protected from power outages?

Let's talk about connected vehicles. Tesla had set the industry benchmark for connected cars with the launch of Model S. Since then most of the car manufacturers followed suit. Integrated IoT solutions for connected vehicles now includes GPS tracking while monitoring the vehicle health (battery/tire pressure) and driver performance and much more.

Internet of Things has certainly made things easier but it is certainly not limited to the connected appliances in a smart home or a vehicle. As part of the growing adoption of IoT, there has been major changes in the autonomous farming equipment, smart factory equipment, wireless inventory trackers, biometric cybersecurity scanners and the list goes on. All the sectors are amid a digital transformation and IoT is certainly fueling the next industrial revolution of intelligent connectivity.

We all have already been part of the IoT revolution knowingly or unknowingly. If you still think you are not a part, wait for it - IoT is almost near to you and you can't escape it's reach.

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Author / Speaker  →

Consultant at Infosys
A stardust soul spreading some sparkles around
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