
Top 6 Tips That Guarantee a Successful E-commerce Store

  • 2 min read

If you want a brick-and-mortar store, you will think of the location or perhaps also do some research on taxes among other things. However, now you don't have to limit yourself to just the brick-and-mortar mode. Why? Because you can set up or launch your store online, I'm talking about an e-commerce store. You know, the likes of Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc.

If you want to or are considering setting up an e-commerce store, here are six tips.

1. Start small

There are many ways to get started with your eCommerce store. You can set up a website, set up a Facebook page or a WhatsApp Business account. As long as you have a product to sell, you can make some money online.

 2. Find a niche

Once you’ve got your first few products ready to sell, think about what type of niche your business should fall into. Do you have any special skills? Can you offer advice based on your experience? Are you good at something that's easy to do but requires expertise? Selling clothes might not sound like a great idea, but if you're skilled in sewing, then selling T-shirts is perfect for you! Or maybe you love decorating cakes and want to turn this into a side business idea. Whatever you choose, just make sure you know exactly who your audience is and what you're talking about.

 3. Build trust

People are much less likely to purchase something they don't trust. If you're looking to build trust and increase sales, consider offering free shipping or other incentives. Customers are also much more likely to buy from businesses that offer fast customer service. For instance, if you need help setting up an account or figuring out how to use a particular feature, contact them immediately instead of waiting until later.

 4. Set prices carefully

This goes hand in hand with building trust. Make sure you've priced everything correctly before you begin selling your products. Even if you plan on getting a lot of customers, you still want to treat everyone fairly.

 5. Use social media

Social media has become a powerful tool that companies cannot ignore. Almost 80% of consumers now prefer to research purchases before visiting a company's site. So, if you want to attract potential buyers, you'll need to include a social media share button on your site. Don't forget to actively engage with your followers too!

6. Make it mobile-friendly

Mobile usage has grown substantially over the years. In fact, according to Google, over half of their searches happen on mobile devices. That means that you are missing out on a large chunk of potential customers if your site isn't mobile-friendly. Fortunately, there are several useful tools you can use to make your site mobile-friendly.

Expect to run a successful store if you put into action these tips or pieces of advice.

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Creating Content for your Success.
Derrick Mbabazi is the founder of Novarick, a platform he believes will reach great heights. He is passionate about helping others and wants to share useful info here. He aims to make it easy for peo…
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