
Affiliate Marketing - How It Works?

  • 3 min read

Affiliate marketing is a process by which an affiliate earns commissions for marketing another person's products. You are commissioned for your marketing efforts. Affiliate marketing - also known as the associate's program, has four core players. It involves referring a product or service to individuals by sharing it on a blog, social media platform, podcast, or website. Bloggers also use affiliate marketing in the content on their blogs. A note or message is often shown on these blogs stating:

From Neilpatel.com - Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.

From Themeisle blog - Some of our posts contain affiliate links. If you click on such an affiliate product link and end up making a purchase, we’ll receive a commission from the seller. The amount you pay for the product doesn’t increase. These affiliate commissions help us keep the blogging side of the business running. ** Note that First, it’s illegal not to disclose affiliations** This is why you have been coming across such messages.

This is how Affiliate Marketing works. The affiliate earns a commission each time someone purchases through the unique link associated with their recommendation. The above was just an example. I just made up this store and I do not know if it exists but know that there are many watch stores out there. Note that, you can be an affiliate of many different products. Whether you want to be a travel affiliate or web hosting affiliate it is possible.

Which Websites to Join?

Finding websites to join as an affiliate is easy, but you will have to first know what kind of products you want to promote or recommend. If you have a blog it would be helpful to ask yourself questions like:

  • What is the Niche of My Blog? We both agree that you cannot be blogging or creating content about the best web hosting providers and inserting affiliate links to self-help books or the best skincare products. To me, this would be ridiculous and I don't know how many links clicks you would get. So think about this when deciding what to promote on your website or blog.

  • What kind of Reviews does this product have so far? I have come across many blog posts, ebooks and youtube videos all with the title "How to get traffic on your blog or website; How to grow traffic; How to get 1000 views and so on. In my opinion, if you recommend products to your audience which they purchase and they find that the products you recommended and rated 5 stars on your blog are actually to be rated 1 star - meaning that they didn't get what they expected- you may lose some of your audience. This is what I think.

For Reference

If you are a travel website owner; travel blogger; SEO expert; Travel Agency owner or an individual who wants to earn money on the internet through flight and hotel commissions, this is for you. For your reference, "Travelpayouts is a pay-per-action travel affiliate network that includes travel brand affiliate programs. With Travelpayouts, you can make money online by promoting various travel services like accommodation, buses and transfers, car, bike and bicycle rental, cruises, flights, package tours among other services.” - as listed on their website. For answers to questions like the ones listed below, you can visit Travelpayouts knowledge base or help centre.

  1. What is Travel payouts?
  2. How much can I earn?
  3. Who can be a travel payouts affiliate? etc.

Friends, this has been it. Wishing you Success.

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Creating Content for your Success.
Derrick Mbabazi is the founder of Novarick, a platform he believes will reach great heights. He is passionate about helping others and wants to share useful info here. He aims to make it easy for peo…
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