
BuJo way of writing and moving forward

  • 3 min read

I know it is a big task when we think about spending time on our self-improvement, but in the end, it is definitely worth it. As a child weren't you excited about learning new stuff and trying out different things? Today I'm sharing a brief about Bullet Journaling. You may choose to ignore it if you are organized in your life.

The Bullet Journal (BuJo) is a method of personal organization developed by Ryder Carroll, a designer based in New York. In his words, the BuJo is meant “to help you track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future.” It's an amazing system that keeps a record of everything you could ever want to toss at it. (Source: Google). The BuJo system is a mindfulness practice and disguised as a productivity system — as you plan, record, act, and accomplish (wow!).

Why should I start a BuJo?

Nothing can be more satisfying than ticking off tasks from a to-do list. BuJo encourages you to create a list of tasks and accomplish them it is a way to kill procrastination and encourages you to get things done on a scheduled day. When it is written it happens — write it all, right from household chores to presentations to create. Then record observations to look back and learn from.

How do I start a BuJo?

To-dos in a checklist have become our way of life. We any way scribble a lot of to-dos at several places. BuJo is a place where you can bring everything together to-dos, events, things to buy, daily and monthly goals chores, wishlists, etc. Ask what you want the BuJo to do for you?

  • Want to be more organized in thoughts and actions?
  • Record day-to-day observations to bring more self-awareness?
  • Want to create a new good habit and stick to it?
  • You are a goal setter and want to plan and track progress towards milestones?

Once you have a general idea, build a system that suits your needs and art skills (if you like it that way). Getting a BuJo started is as easy as can be. You just need the most basic supplies that you already have.

Keep it simple and create the way you like

To keep it simple, I am not mentioning BuJo methods like indexing, creating signs, etc. You can use your BuJo to its fullest potential only when you keep recording in it daily and keep a tab on it. Every bullet journal should include these collections in the following order:

  • Future Log: This four-page spread is a year-at-a-glance calendar with future events, goals, and long-term tasks. Add birthdays, travel plans, and major holidays.
  • Monthly Log: This two-page spread includes a calendar with a bird's-eye view of the month and a task page with things you want to tackle during the month. You can also add other monthly tracking pages to include food, fitness, finances, or book log.
  • Daily Log: This is your day-to-day to-do list.

You can create a BuJo anytime in a year. While you should create a key that fits your needs, Carroll recommends using the following symbols if you want to be a BuJo pro:

  • Tasks: •
  • Events: O
  • Notes (facts, ideas, and observations): —
  • Priority: *
  • Inspiration (mantras, insights, and ideas): !

Whatever you call it — a planner, journal, or otherwise — as creator Ryder Carroll says, this method will help you live a more productive and meaningful life.

The author is sharing her personal experience with BuJo and also takes online pop-up journaling classes. Write your way ahead! https://bulletjournal.com/

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Author / Speaker  →

Practitioner| Adventurer| Believer
A practitioner of joy and carpe diem A journaling writing coach. Connector. Co author of an anthology. Speaker. Self proclaimed podcaster of People Tribe. A management professional who is a believe…
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